Hi, I’m Bevi.
Your still and sparkling, multi-flavored, eco-friendly, healthy water cooler that never runs out. I’m a great source of hydration for you and your colleagues. Some say that I am water, un-boring, while others say that my flavors taste great. I provide high-quality filtered water, sparkling water, and flavored water from your tap. This minimizes your carbon footprint and greatly reduces your contribution to landfills. I’m also one less thing to worry about. My filter and flavor levels are monitored via internet, so I’ll let you know when they need to be refilled. The only thing you have to do is enjoy Bevi :)
Bevi is more than just a smart water machine. Hooking up to an existing water line, Bevi provides customizable pours of still, sparkling, and flavored water on demand. (Pure filtered water included.)
This opportunity allows CUBEX to further its commitment towards environmental stewardship by reducing single use beverage containers and, with the use of technology, further maximizes our efficiency.
Laura Brown
Community Outreach Coordinator
Phoenix, AZ
(o) 480-795-3970 x127
(c) 206-478-9903