Green Team Logo final

The Cubex Green Team is a self-organized, cross-functional group of employees who voluntarily come together to identify and implement specific solutions to help our organization operate in a more environmentally sustainable fashion.

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Cubex received its Platinum Certification through the City of Phoenix  Green Business Leader in 2019. Our current focus is to continue to develop sustainable actions that allows Cubex to operate in a more environmentally responsible manner.

For more information on the direction of the team or the certification requirements, please visit City of Phoenix Green Business Leader Checklist

Learn More About the Green Team Initiatives:

Recycle Program

Compost Program

ewaste program

Recycling education

plastic alternative initiative

Alt transportation
dyi cleaners



bevi-header initiative


Meet Our Current Green Team:

Laura Brown

Peter Steimetz
Michelle Crane  Ryan West
Bre Edwards David Rekart
maggie Crouse Stephanie - Vet
  Wendy Lovell


Want to join the Green Team? 
sign me up

What Can YOU Do?

Tips from the Green Team:

  • Ditch the single use plastic water bottles and carry reusable water bottle instead
  • Switch to reusable grocery bags instead of plastic
  • Buy in bulk to reduce packaging
  • Using air dry setting on the dishwasher instead of heated dry cuts down on energy by 15-50%
  • Turn off power strips when not in use; Unplug electronics when not in use
  • Use a Smart Thermostat to reduce heating and cooling cost and energy
  • Use ceiling fans
  • Use natural light when possible
  • Switch to LED light bulbs