Plastic Alternatives Initiative


"The power is yours!" - Captain Planet
In the United States, the average person uses approximately 167 disposable plastic water bottles annually. Extrapolate that amount, and the entire country uses approximately 50 billion bottles each year. While it’s true that plastic is recyclable, there have been concerns about the footprint it leaves behind on a grander scale. Today, there are an estimated 46,000 pieces of plastic floating in the ocean; what is not recycled takes over 1000 years to decompose. This makes a good case for expanding water bottle material options and looking into alternatives:


While this is a fragile material, glass is uncompromising, keeps drinks tasting great, maintains its original integrity and stays colder longer out of the refrigerator than plastic. It is also infinitely recyclable and maintains its quality through every time it is remade.

While not new, by any means, ceramic is not as prevalent in the market place either. This is an age-old, eco-friendly style of bottle that behaves similarly to glass with its sturdiness and the ability to keep colder longer. Ceramic containers, however, are even heavier than glass to carry around as well as being fragile, but with new developments in technology, they aren’t as unwieldy as before and often have wraps that reinforce them, so they don’t shatter.

Stainless Steel
Newer stainless-steel bottles are lined so that there is no metal taste, and this keeps water and all other drinks cold even longer than glass. Metal is a natural temperature conductor, so if it takes on something cold, it will keep it cold, and if its contents are hot, they will stay hot.


Plant Based-Plastics
Some plant-based bottles themselves are edible as well as biodegradable. While no one may want to actually eat them, it’s good to know that they are safe, don’t impart the same chemicals as other bottles might, and are a new, effective product on the market.

boxed water

Boxed Water (or Paper Bottles)
This new trend with beverages available in boxes (like wine tetra packs or paper coconut water bottles) has created a unique market. The share it occupies is small right now, but as these grow in popularity there may be more and more on the shelves. Because they are paper, however, they have a limited lifespan – but are 100% recyclable.


Reusable Bottles
Other than the paper products, all the above containers are reusable, plastic included. The most economical and green way to transport drinking water for personal use is in reusable bottles. Getting ones that are sturdy and easy to clean is the most economical solution.




The Green Team has solutions for what we can do as a Green Business Leader to help Reduce, Reuse, or Recycle the plastic water bottles at Cubex

Ways We Can Reduce
We will continue to offer the convenience or disposable plastic water bottles but in Conference Rooms only, for visitors. The best alternative for the Conference room is to use the water pitcher and glasses that are provided. 

We will offer ceramic coffee mugs and drinking glasses on counter top by coffee and water dispensers

Ways We Can Reuse
We will provide the kitchen with increased quantities of refillable alternatives, and make signs encouraging their use

We will educate our CUBEX employees about reusable, responsibly made water containers (resources below) to use as a reusable alternative

Ways We Can Recycle
We will provide blue recycle bins in Conference Rooms for visitors to dispose of plastic responsibility
When possible, we will stock the kitchen area with drinks made from plant-based plastics

Ultimately, there are countless alternatives to using multiple plastic water bottles per day. By purchasing an eco-friendly reusable bottle, you can significantly reduce your carbon footprint and protect the environment.

Questions about plastic alternatives, ask a Green Team member today.